Buddy Can You Spare a Half-Mil?: What It Costs to Race LeMans

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When the LeMans contenders of Petersen Motorsports/ White Lightning Racing show up to compete at Circuit De La Sarthe this June 18th, it's not without single-day fixed costs that make Motley Crue's 1989 "Dr. Feelgood" tour look like a depression-era revival show. Click through for more.

The expense and hours that it takes to race at Le Mans is staggering. All told, the price to compete for a GT2 class team like Petersen Motorsports/ White Lightning Racing is approximately $500,000 while the team schedule calls for over 3,225 man hours invested towards a third Le Mans title.

That, of course, includes $9,000 for racing fuel and $40,000 for rental of a private chateau for the team. (No Motel 6 for these guys.) [Thanks to Ryan for the tip.]


Le Mans By The Numbers [Petersen Motorsports]

Creating a Rally Car: A Garage-Eye View [internal]
