Brooklyn Valet Hoons, Kills Audi A8?

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It's the worst case scenario. Anyone that's ever left their car with a valet has had this flash in their mind right as the grinning attendant takes the keys and assures that he'll "take care of it." It's the oddly specific fear that the valet is going to take your car on the road, drive it far too hard, and smash it into pieces. Well for one Audi A8 owner, that fear has been realized...we think.

Last night, a member of the Vortex for all things VW supposedly gave his beloved Audi A8 over to a Brooklyn valet attendant, but instead of getting the car back in the condition he left it, he found it totaled. Currently, details are slim — and completely unverifiable — but according to the member of the forum, the big German luxo sedan was being raced for about 45min prior to biting the sidewalk and sealing its fate. [via VWvortex member icuMk2]