• Remember the kid with the exploding Saturn? Guess what? He's still driving a Saturn. [Jason Heath's Double Bass Blog]
• Gone are the days when teenagers are happy with any old rustbucket on four wheels. You can probably thank their parents for that. [CarTalk]
• The best way to judge a carwash administered by recovering alcoholics is to stay in your car. [Gary-Paul TV]
• Hypermiling for Dummies. [Aquadoodiloop]
• If we were writing this, it would have been laden with profanity and followed by a visit from Family Services. [flagrantdisregard]
• One day, there'll be a class on how to treat women in any given situation. For now, there's one on how to treat them during the sale of a new car. [BlogHer]
This is Blog Hoonage, the early afternoon daily feature highlighting the best and oftentimes unnoticed auto-related content in the blogosphere. If you'd like to see an entry from your blog featured here, send us a link to tips@jalopnik.com with the subject line "blog hoonage."