• Aussie drivers are, as Pink would say, hazards to themselves. [The Legal Soapbox]
• It's not so much about the writing as much as it is about the lead photograph. Also, WTF? [innocent drinks]
• So, if Mac users are as stupid as Toyota drivers, we can't even fathom how dumb the elitist bastards who own both are. [Lawrence Salberg]
• Buying a car in Uruguay = totally fucking confusing. [UruguayLiving.com]
• Newsflash! Accidents cause muscle pain; insurance companies ae a giant pain in the ass. Also, today is Monday and this morning, sun rose in the East. [Stephen Fung DOT NET]
• Finally, a car that goes fast and um, tastes good? Seriously? [Nothing To Do With Arbroath]
This is Blog Hoonage, the early afternoon daily feature highlighting the best and oftentimes unnoticed auto-related content in the blogosphere. If you'd like to see an entry from your blog featured here, send us a link to tips@jalopnik.com with the subject line "blog hoonage."