• Today's Jalopnik PSA #1: Driving the same car as your fianc is kinda lame. [Double Bass Blog]
• Today's Jalopnik PSA #2: Stop letting your teenagers make your decisions for you. [The Car Blog]
• Some Manhattanites don't understand why Madison Avenue is trying to sell them cars instead of Subway lines. This explains so much. [LowConcept]
• The easiest way to get out of a speeding ticket? Probably not speeding in the first place. But who the hell wants to do that. [Mrs Big Dubya]
• Those Toyota Super Bowl commercials weren't exactly smoke-and-mirrors like most of us thought — although we do wonder what all those smoke machines and shiny pieces of glass were doing there. [KickingTires]
• Road Rage 2.0, coming to a mailbox near you. [Groves Media]
Welcome to blog hoonage, a new daily feature in the early afternoon highlighting oftentimes unnoticed auto-related content in the blogosphere. If you'd like to see an entry from your site featured here, send us a link to tips@jalopnik.com with the subject line "blog hoonage".