• The data on long-term roadtests is inaccurate. [TrueDelta]
• GM is to Toyota like Microsoft is to Google. [Jam Side Down]
• Everything you ever wanted to know about CarMax like, ever. [Service Unlimited]
• The true meaning behind the those used car sales terms. [archshrk]
• We ask you this: can you blame the guy? Everyone needs clean pants and rental cars are EXPENSIVE. [WSJ online]
• Your car, it's totally getting stolen. That is, if your car is an Escalade EXT. [Forbes]
This is Blog Hoonage, the early afternoon daily feature highlighting the best and oftentimes unnoticed auto-related content in the blogosphere. If you'd like to see an entry from your blog featured here, send us a link to tips@jalopnik.com with the subject line "blog hoonage."