Guten tag! We made it to Switzerland, but a dire hotel room shortage in Geneva meant we had to look elsewhere to accommodate our temporary European headquarters. After some scrambling to match our technology needs with the remaining Swiss hotel inventory not hoovered up by skiers, bankers, UN delegates and their respective teams of escorts, call-girls and cheap hookers (not to mention the Napoleonic-level army of auto press), the capital city of Bern pitched in warmly. Until tommorrow, the first of two Geneva Motor Show press days, we'll be holed up in a hotel room in the old town, genuflecting to the gods of European WiFi access and plundering a bag of blood oranges to keep the scurvy at bay. Still, it's only an hour and a half or so to Geneva on the delicious Swiss rail system, which makes the US's Amtrak feel like the Bounty right before the Mutiny, so we'll be heading there at first light tomorrow. Meanwhile, if you know of any automotive-related attractions in Bern we should check out, let us know (
Upholding the Geneva Convention: Jalopnik Goes All Swiss [internal]
More on the 2005 Geneva Motor Show [internal]