"It pays to be indulgent sometimes," said Sabrina Ertell after her son's bedroom was hit by a plane, in a crash which killed all 5 on board. Her 11 year-old son, Augusto had argued to be allowed to sleep with his parents that night, and likely would have been killed in his own bed if the parents had not relented their stance on the matter.
Sky News says the crash occurred on Sunday in the Brazilian town of Balsas. Describing the incident, the mother said:
"We were fast asleep when a loud sound like an earthquake or tornado hitting woke us. My husband opened the door saw the fire and grabbed our son and we jumped out of the bedroom window. My husband is very calm and rational. He just thought about getting us out of the house. We jumped the window and were stuck in the yard yelling for help when the neighbours, hearing our screams, broke the gate to get us out."
The plane's passengers included a hospital patient who was being transported to another facility in nearby Teresina. The report of the crash also says the pilot may have been on bail after being involved in a similar incident this February, which killed a 7 year-old child and injured two others.
Top photo: Policia Civil via Sky News