Sure, security begins at home, but canned goods to stock the fallout shelter don't buy themselves. If you absolutely must leave home, one answer, for those with six-figure multiples to spend on an SUV, is the Bad Boy HMT (or, somewhat awkwardly, Heavy Muscle Truck). The HMT is is a converted Stewart & Stevenson all-wheel-drive tactical vehicle, mainly used by the US Army. Now, it's available to the paranoid rich, the newest hot demographic for marketers.
In addition to having all the luxury features of a Range Rover, including DVD players nav systems, and other toys, the HMT can protect its occupants against nuclear radiation from dirty bombs and chemical and biological agents.
Still, it's likely the only life-or-death missions the HMV will see would be in the realm of evacuating middle-aged golfers who've had too much Johnnie Walker Blue Label; the price tag for the Bad Boy ranges from under $200,000 to $750,000, depending on custom work.
HMT: Heavy Muscle Truck [Bad Boy Trucks]
New Bad Boy Truck Can Protect Against Bad Guy Terrorists [KVOA (Tucson)]
More on Ford s Synus Concept: Transportation for Urban Fraidy Cats [internal]