The Autoextremist is not optimistic about automakers' prospects for the future. Detroit's been so anesthetized by the SUV gravy train, AE sez, that they re ignoring the cold smack of prevailing winds on their faces, as customers realign their affinity for gas-gulping box trucks toward fuel-efficient, but nonetheless hot, cars. One market AE thinks they're missing: Premium small cars.
We've been clamoring for such cars to hit the US market, at least since the time an Alfa Romeo 147 GTA screamed past us (at hundreds of km/h) on the autostrada, near Pisa, as if we were waiting in the rain for an autobus. They're starting to make their way over: Mini Cooper, Audi A3, BMW 1 Series (maybe)? Detroiters think they'll never sell. We, like Autoextremist, know they're dead, freaking wrong. Send 'em over, boys, and just watch them play in Peoria.
The winds of change send a chill throughout the automobile industry, and Detroit is poised to miss a major shift in the market - again. [Autoextremist]
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