Anytime you’re sleeping outdoors, you need to have uncrompressed insulation between you and the ground to prevent conductive heat loss. You also have to worry about this while sleeping inside a truck bed, as the vehicle’s frame and body will also suck the heat out of you. Getting up above the body, and on top of both… Read more
I think you’re vastly underestimating the cost of materials when it comes to doing it right. I get that not everyone beats up their trucks off road, not every Taco driver has heard the word “payload” and not everyone travels across borders, but all that is sorta the value prop here. Bolting a generic sack of Chinese… Read more
It’s not turbo lag, that doesn’t even really exist anymore. Ford programs its truck transmissions very, very far in the direction of fuel economy, which makes them very excited about shifting up, and very reluctant to shift down. You can correct this simply by putting the transmission in sport, pushing the tow button,… Read more
I’m sure I’ll drive one so-equipped at some point. But I’m already ahead of this system on my Ranger, and am planning more: Read more