Not so fast. Toyota’s electronic traction system is very rudimentary, but the next gen systems being used by Land Rover and Ford right now are very, very convincing. I’ll take the electronics on my Ranger over an actual front locking diff. Read more
This is conservation Andrew, the managed and responsible use of resources. Preservation is no use, an important distinction when we’re talking about being able to recreate outdoors. Read more
Is there any car currently on-sale underpinned by an older platform than this one? It’s been a while since I wrote about cars, but I seem to remember it’s Noah’s Ark or something holding this thing’s wheels on, right? Read more
I’d have used a rifle, just to ensure I didn’t damage that big screen, but otherwise this looks pretty safe. Misfires aren’t really a thing, and so long as they made sure no one’s on the roof, they’re firing away from people. So, this really isn’t dangerous at all. Read more