Urambo Tauro

People who accuse others of virtue signaling often seem to think or imply the “virtue signaler” is faking it or insincere. As if, because they themselves don’t give a shit, it therefore is impossible that someone else could. Read more

This very morning, cycling along minding my own business in the bike lane. Stop at a red light. Guy pulls up at the light and shouts “fag”. Nobody else in the car to “impress” - just a weird hatred of people getting some exercise.
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“I’ve got a great idea... Let me inflict some harm upon someone. I’ll also record it, post it online, and see what good can come of this.” - signed, Ass Hat Read more

1: Do asshole thing and show it for all to see.
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I enjoy the tone of these farewell posts, but holy shit is it depressing to see the list of talent that has moved on the greener pastures! Read more

He’s looks happy, but maybe that’s just bc HE’S NOT BEING POUNDED BY A GD DIFFERIN AD EVERY 2 SECONDS. Read more

I’m just impressed that David turned being that weird old guy down the road whose yard is full of car parts and who is always covered in oil into a career. Read more

My 2004 Mustang GT has mismatched quarter panel brake duct faux-grating. One is honeycomb pattern, the other is horizontal bar pattern. Read more

We all know it’s the Jeep Thing... Hyundai wants in!

Now playing

I know Bill Cosby has richly earned pariah status, but he spoke very wisely once on why he got rid of his gun.

I’m a gun owner, and I use it for target shooting and I sometimes take it into the mountains for large animal protection if I’m alone (I also carry bear spray as a first line of defense). I’m also a very even keeled person, not prone to emotional outbursts. But even I know that carrying a weapon daily only makes this Read more

Every time we passed a 4door Wrangler my wife would comment on how cool they looked. Then we went on vacation and rented one, it took half a day for her to realize she does NOT want a Wrangler.
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Ordering a car you have never driven is in line with another rule I have, which is to never buy a new car in its 1 year of production. Read more