Urambo Tauro

Even if self-driving cars never come to full fruition, it’s fun watching them try to develop the technology. The tech can still be useful in limited applications. Read more

That’s a reasonable price. FWD isn’t my cup o’ tea, but it’s a handsome car both inside and out, with great visibility all around. Fingers crossed that the transmission holds up and doesn’t succumb to the failures I keep hearing about on these cars... Read more

I’m curious how long it would take for a non-plugged-in car to go from a full charge to 20% with this mode activated. BUT I also think it’s good that Tesla’s not advertising an explicit time limit like “up to two hours!” or whatever. Better to keep owners on their toes about their actual battery level and not let them Read more

Yeah, sometimes I think the Haynes/Chilton books try to cover too many years at once. One of my least favorite things to see is a wiring diagram captioned with the phrase “typical [lighting or whatever] system”. I have no idea which models that’s supposed to apply to. Read more

Agreed. He’s not affecting anyone, at least not while driving. I do hope he has room to park that thing though, and doesn’t go around taking up two parallel parking spots or blocking part of the aisle everywhere he goes. Read more

It’s probably just easier to track lease vehicles and throw that data together. But I’m with you, 2016 models have a few more years to go before they would qualify for what I’d consider to be “long-term”. Read more

As much as it pains me to see this franchise constantly trying to jump bigger sharks, this was a pretty rad stunt sequence. I would have enjoyed seeing it in a different movie, unrelated to F&F. Read more

I’m just glad it’s a wrap and not a paint job. Speaking of which, I see that some of these only have splatter effects on the front half of the car... Is the rear not wrapped then? Or do they use a body-color wrap to ensure consistent paint protection and even color matching with the unsplattered portions of the front Read more

Never drove one, don’t recall ever riding in one either. But FWIW I thought the New Edge era of Windstars had a handsome design. Nothing about them really stood out; they just seemed to have pleasant proportions all around. Read more

I gotta admit, I’ve developed a dislike for these manuals in recent years, favoring the more complete factory documentation. But Haynes’ books are what got me started wrenching on my own car, and what Haynes has done for the DIY community far outweighs the shortcomings of those budget-friendly guides. If spending Read more

There’s a way to do this without making it obvious that you’re actively trying to block them. Just turn on your hazard lamps, pull over, open the hood/bonnet and pretend that the car is overheating or something. Make it look like you’re using the hard shoulder for its intended purpose: emergency stops. Read more

No way! That actually would have been handy on this run haha. The guy on top of that roof had the Sun’s Song instead of the heart piece. I wonder if the randomizer would require you to know that trick to make it through certain variations of the item collecting sequence. I’ll have to remember that one. Thanks! Read more

Well, it turns out that I was wrong about needing the Hookshot quite yet. I knew from the spoiler log that my next item (before the Hookshot) was going to be in the Spirit Temple, but I hit a dead end (locked door) on the adult side when I figured that the chest I needed to Hookshot over to would have the key that I Read more

Had to look up what a “map tracker” was, but I see what you mean now. Read more

Those finer points vary wildly and will have to be addressed on a state-by-state-basis. In my state (MI), driving skills tests are provided by independent third-party businesses, not by the secretary of state offices (our version of a DMV). The SoS offices are set up to handle things like written tests, vision tests, Read more

I’d suggest every 2 years... Yes, it would be more paperwork for the DMV to file, but as long as there are still renewal fees, that extra revenue should more than make up for the DMV’s added workload. Read more