Tyler Rogoway
Editor, Foxtrot Alpha

Just a few of my favorites!


My aunt used to do call sign art for Top Gun pilots. I’ll have to ask around see if I can dig some up. Read more

Angeli Inferni- Hells angels.

The regular unit patches are pretty plain across the board. 41st ECS had this weird like sunbeam pyramid on it. But our deployed unit patches looked cooler, as we were the “Scorpions” so that made a cooler patch. Then you always have the custom Crew patches from each deployment. Those can be a bit risque. If I can Read more

I don’t understand why so many commenters see this article and immediately assume it is an attack on conservatism. Their kneejerk reaction is to ignore the substance of Tyler’s analysis (which was thoughtful and on point) and simply assume that Tyler is now a “lib” (I can’t stand such idiotic ad hominem attack labels) Read more

Very good article; well researched. Thanks for this! Read more

I don’t usually read this blog. That will be changing immediately. Well done. Read more

A well written piece, I’m entirely unsure how what you’ve said here could be construed as partisan. I strongly look forward to more analysis as the campaign progresses. As someone who lives abroad, I rely of solid sources like you to keep me informed of the goings on back home. Read more

Some people wouldn’t know good journalism if it hit them on the head. Keep it up, brother. Your efforts are much appreciated.
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Any soldier so undisciplined and small minded that repealing DADT is going to destroy their “morale, welfare, and discipline” sent back to basic training to have adulthood beaten into them.
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I’m not in the military. Never have been. Never even remotely interested in joining. But I was able to call bullshit every time they opened their mouths because I devour everything Tyler writes. Read more

Have you considered submitting a request for interview with some of these guys? I think that would be very enlightening to see specifically what their plans and goals and policies would be with regard to defense funding and application. I’m sure some of these guys would be amenable to it since it would help to tease Read more


Skyhawk!!! I just squeed myself.

My new favorite paint for any fighter aircraft.