Tyler Rogoway
Editor, Foxtrot Alpha

Depends on accessibility. HiMARS can fit into a C-130 that can land on a dirt strip, so if you have that, pretty quickly plus some force protection if it is not already out there. Read more

I believe they are +2.5 or 3G rated, but this is really not a high stress maneuver. Hell barrel rolls can maintain 1G constant. Read more

That is certainly a good possibility as mentioned in the piece. Accelerating an attack plan seems likely after last weeks event. Although we don’t know how these cells are organized. One cell could have a trigger that is based on the status of those in another cell without ever knowing them or being directly Read more

The second half of that video of people running out of the Brussels airport is what I cued, it did not load that way. I replaced the same exact video I wanted without the front half. As for my coverage of breaking news and ongoing events, it has been far more complete and accurate than pretty much anything you can Read more

Lot’s of tension in the image between old and new, with the colors providing the unifying bridge. Read more

Some things don’t fit in C-5s. UCAVs especially. Seeing Phantom Ray, X-47B etc Read more

no much of the fixed-wing combat was within the MANPADS envelope and speed didn’t really change their level of vulnerability. Read more

Not trying to be rude, but why do people comment without reading? What’s the point? It makes no sense to me. Read more

No, it would have likely freed up money. Buying a couple hundred light attack aircraft at the cost of a few billion dollars would likely have saved much more money by offsetting a portion of the many billions in fuel, operational and lifecycle costs inflicted by using America’s now run-down fast jet fleet in the same Read more

I think that first linked article should tell you everything you would want to know. Give it a look Read more

I did, they don’t have the over the horizon abilities of an airborne asset when it comes to detecting low flying targets, nor are they as capable at detecting small targets Read more