Tyler Rogoway
Editor, Foxtrot Alpha

Or it just is the most efficient considering what the device has to accomplish. I mean if it looked different would it make a difference? Read more

It could be larger. The article said meter long, but who knows. Read more

That NATF concept has to be one of the best looking pieces of aircraft concept art ever Read more

I am butt hurt about no airplane. We could do more with that money than what the F-35 provides. I hate no plane, once again, take off the NFL jersey and the facepaint, this is not my team vs any. There are huge gray areas but in the end it comes down to force structure and opportunity costs. Some of you guys just Read more

Also, check yourself, being a standoff weapons delivery truck to fight certain peer state battle situations is not and fighter optimized for BVR a-2-a engagements, thanks for tanking this thread with BS. The Sukhoi has its own capabilities in that realm but it was not part of the piece. Read more

That’s a pretty cool feature for heaters. But do they have lock on after launch? Read more

No, they have built weapons to take pot shots from long ranges at key C2 and enabler targets and they have adapted them to fit in an aircraft that is suitable for that role. They have not built a fighter for wining 5th gen fighter vs fighter BVR engagements. Read more

The issue is that N. Korea has like 55,000 artillery and rocket pieces along the DMZ, Iron Dome is not made to intercept anything even approaching that number, it would be swarms of 1000s of artillery shells. Also keep in mind each Tamir interceptor costs like $60k and they are fired in salvos at a single target Read more

The North is a massive military threat, albeit an apocalyptic one for itself. A couple barrages of artillery and Seoul is gone, SF causing chaos deep inside the country etc. It’s like MAD with conventional weapons, now nuclear. As far as a sustained conventional threat, no, but like I said the damage will already be Read more

Tomcat is right up there too, but a slick and stripped down F-16N with that bubble canopy, what a ride. Read more

The YF-23 is right up there, along with Tacit Blue, but if I could fly anything, just for the fun of it, I would go with the short lived hot rod of Navy’s aggressor fleet and the F-16 family, the mighty F-16N and TF-16N: