Tyler Rogoway
Editor, Foxtrot Alpha

I have said it over and over, the Pentagon and the Hill is as much to blame for this anyone. They were stupid enough to buy the promises that were being sold as well. Read more

Our F-22s? If you deployed like 75 F-22s to Guam, at best you could keep a fourship over the Taiwan Strait for any given time. This is just one example. There are not enough Raptors to go around for a major conflict, only what 130 combat coded jets or something? The F-35 force will want to fight together and since it Read more

Great points. The idea that the F-35 is relevant in 30 years is laughable in the first place. Read more

It really made no difference and they could record the telemetry and how the jet responded to actual air combat maneuvers. AF-2 is outfitted for that. It is within visual range so none of the crap they listed mattered. Laughable. Read more

I don’t agree with everything War Is Boring puts out there but David is a good reporter for the most part. The post that went up recently about the F-35 being a shitty BVR fighter using Airpower Australia I was not a fan of. I am going to do a post on reporting on the F-35 and all the bullshit that is out there. Read more

Take that reference out and the piece reads using only modern circumstances. The idea that no enemy aircraft will make it past a BVR exchange with F-35s is non sense. Even our own testing is insufficient to replicate a real peers state competitor force throwing a LOT of targets at our forces which will most likely be Read more

I sorta disagree with that last statement. I have long held that we should have just evolved the F-22 and gone directly to UCAVs. We don’t need a fighter at all. I could care less how maneuverable this thing is IF it wasn’t designed and marketed as a fighter, with the trade-offs in LO and range that go with it, when Read more

If you are flying against an occasional four ship of antiquated aircraft maybe, but in the real world, facing the threats we may face soon, this is not accurate. Read more

Take a deep breath, I have full control of the content of my pieces but sometimes not the headlines. And who really cares, if this is a deal breaker for you, than maybe it just won't work out brotha Read more

Actually you could not be more wrong. Everyone has an opinion, just because Dustin’s is different than your’s or mine does not mean he is a tool for anyone. Nobody edited his comments and he is not even in the service anymore. Read more

Inevitable. I could see numbers end up being 2/3 to half that once they realize the operational cost. Read more

The top video that showed the tests (where the GIF came from) was somehow stripped from the post. It is back now, sorry about that, not sure why that was dropped during the last save. Read more