Tyler Rogoway
Editor, Foxtrot Alpha

That is an old analogy. They have done this to themselves. Look at the MV-22, I mean great for some missions but at $65M a pop you can have three S-92s. They skipped the Super by choice to get the F-35B, not just to replace the Harrier, but many Hornets as well. They have plenty of money to get new gear, they only Read more

Chatham Harrison’s reply below is a well put and accurate answer, although it remains a partial one. The total answer is in a long time coming, always half-done white elephant post of mine called Netcentric Warfare 2.0. I want to finish it once and for all this summer. But just a few things to add to Chatham’s post-
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It would have been worse most likely. X-32 was far less mature than F-35. It deserved to lose. The flaw came in the concept’s genesis, including STOVL in one design. Read more

Many are really scrap and reclaimed parts, but this is sort of a cherry and there are others still flying, but not many. I always think its interesting when you see a GII being chartered for ten grand an hour or more and the jet is only worth about ten times that or so. But those are very rare as well after gas spiked Read more

That is low-level aircraft porn overload!

haha I have two B-52 pieces open right next to it. I am in Boeing bomber hell!.. Or heaven???? Read more

Love how in TV and movies all private jets suddenly become BBJs on the inside Read more

Way more than 2k an hour when you figure consumables, fixed costs and maintenance. Read more

the entire fleet is a mess. The F-35B is actually, in my opinion, the saving grace of the whole thing, although, it is a chicken and the egg deal. It hampers the rest of the fleet so you need it to justify a compromised design. In exchange it does bring new ‘first day of war’ capabilities to our gator navy Read more

If you read FA a lot you know we have called for the US to put a diesel AIP boat into production. There is no way our nuke fleet can deal with so many threats. Read more

Yeah I was stoked when I started watching, I knew many would be relieved. Read more

My apologies all, I transposed the two in the title. I try to watch that one closely too. Thanks for the heads up as always. Read more

During the whole Iraq deal, Freedom Fries and all that bullshit, I was disgusted. Oh, the French don’t want to join a war of choice with the US? That makes them traitors or something? Terrible and in the end they were right. Read more