Chris Clarke

Red Bull gives you

You must mean 25-35 cause I'll smack a 172 on the centerline in 10-15. Read more

Whoever edited this video drank way to much Red Bull. Read more

That thing was just at my airport the other day.

I hear what you're saying, and I don't mind being called out, but from my experience with the FAA, feet dragging is a mandatory protocol. Many other countries have been quick to adopt regulations pertaining to drones and the U.S. is loosing valuable industry and technology development overseas. It just bothers me Read more

Pedestrians probably shouldn't cross the road without looking. Like the bumper sticker says. "Check twice for motorcycles"

This was my first time seeing the one-blade prop as well. I think if I tried to explain the science behind it would take a whole other article that no one would read. Either way, my mind was sufficiently blown when I saw it working. Read more

Same here. I just learned about it and my mind was blown. Read more

I would love to meet this guy. I can only imagine the stories he has. Read more

P-factor is eliminated as well as the spiraling slipstream. For some reason (science) the airflow from the one-blade moves strait back instead of twisting. Read more

There's just something about low and slow, stick and rudder flying that simply captures the essence of personal aviation. I've got a few hours in a J-3 on strait floats and I can say for sure that I'm glad I wasn't the one standing out there slinging the prop around. Glad you liked it. Read more

Good question. For clarification, the record is for distance flown in a Class C-1d airplane weighing between 1,500 and 3,000 kilograms. Read more

Looks like the aircraft in question is a Pacific Aerospace P-750 XL powered by a P&W PT6 turboprop. It was designed in 2001 with skydiving specifically in mind.

Meanwhile, the good cars – the ones you'd actually want – trade hands privately, offline, among two friends. If an ad for an excellent example of an unusual used car does reach the Internet, a cadre of interested buyers immediately calls the seller and a deal is struck that afternoon. It's a cutthroat place, the world Read more