Chris Clarke

Here's onboard video from a passenger showing the chaos. Read more

Didn't know if there might be some old air base or aviation buildings still around somewhere. Read more

Can't wait to read it. I love when auto and aviation history collide. Hope you can get some cool original photos too. Read more

Came here to post this, you beat me to it.

What really annoys me is when I get to the airport and I have to pull the plane out of the hangar by myself.

Now playing

I was surprised to see the video of the actual test firing missing from the article.

Obligatory photo of sound barrier shockwave.

A temporary tower is in use as part of the Great State of Maine Airshow. Read more

I've been told that the pilot was assured that the runway was clear by the tower and and airport vehicle. What no one seemed to be aware of is the black ice that was on the taxiway after he cleared the runway. A truck that was dispatched to pull the aircraft out also spun its wheels and was unable to pull it back onto Read more

I have a valid rebuttal to this article since I use my phone as a navigation resource when I fly. Read more

Paul, you missed seeing the original BD-5 prototype at the AirVenture Museum among other unique aircraft during your visit to Oshkosh.

(QUICK PERSONAL NOTE! This is my 100th column since I was officially hired by Jalopnik back in February. Since it marks the end of the road with my Ferrari, I think it's a fitting milestone. Thank you to everyone for the support, the kind words, the e-mails, the positive comments, and – especially to the many readers Read more