Nissan plant tour is great for having people instructed to wave and smile at the tourists.
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The bridge is wide enough to have multiple layers of fence in place to keep the cars on bridge in case of accident. And the bridge isn’t really that long, about 1000 feet of actual bridge. There are spots at each end (for each direction across the bridge) to place safety and medical vehicles that can be quickly…
Seeing “journalistic jihad” in the comments on an automotive blog makes me think I’m in some Truman show shit where some producers are seeing how far from normality we can get before I start questioning my reality. Read more
I’ve worked with people from other countries. They THINK they understand Americans, but they don’t. The entertainment industry that bombards the world with “this is what America is like” is based in a few cities like NYC and LA and colored by the subcultures in these areas. (oh and yes, the same is even more true for… Read more
It was definitely a bit ridiculous last year when—was it two or three?—races in row were red flagged for a period of time longer than the race itself. A lot of these drivers come from GT and Touring car, where a little bit of rubbing is just part of the sport. Frankly, I think rather than penalize drivers more… Read more
Geez. I broke my collarbone in a cycling accident, got a titanium plate and only 6 screws, and was off physical activity for a month! Can’t imagine racing days later... Read more
And it’s not like you can actually use those extra R’s anywhere other than a racetrack. Read more
Think of Insurance companies going nuts. Where each R = $ Read more
Jesus Christ, does anyone really need that many R’s? I realize it’s not illegal to have that many R’s, but at some point motorcycle manufacturers are going to have to realize that just because something is legal doesn’t mean it isn’t irresponsible. Read more
In the blog you commented on here, it says they’re sticking with a modified version of the current Frontier platform. Read more
Very impressive, but I think Randy Mamola did it better, in the dry, on a violent 500cc two stroke.
I ride in the rain, snow, and mud on machines never designed for the job (my offroader will soon be a Vespa). One small crash in sand aside I think I'm still alive. lol Read more
Everyone: shaft driven is more reliable and less maintenance Read more