Martin Grossinger

I gotta think the wagon negates if not all then a good portion of your asshattery. Read more

Nope, you just have to have an original, creative answer posted as soon after the question goes up as you're able. Read more

Oh god, the Hutch/Merritt? Never. Ever. I'd rather put up with 95 any day. Read more

That's my mistake. I was looking at information about the British Grand Prix from that year. Thanks for pointing that out. Read more

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The co-driver is one turn ahead of the driver, ostensibly so that he can plan ahead. The numbers in this case are distances in meters to the turn. I have no idea what the deal is with the "maybes."

It was a sports car race run in similar spirit to the bicycle race, from the early 1900's though the 1980's. Like so many European races, one could say that its best years were from the 1950's through the 70's. Ferrari even produced special cars for the occasion in the mid-50's- go check out the 250 Tour de France Read more