Leeeeena the Jalopchick

Super close shot of a Furai. Or maybe a pair of titanium chopsticks lying on a dark table in a badly illuminated room. Read more

Bad ladies! They didn't check for monsters, and I happen to know there's a Sbarro Autobau lurking around there somewhere. Read more

@GV_Goat: I fully agree with you. Porsche isn't trying to make a cross between a Prius and a Carrera GT - they're trying to eke a little more efficiency out of a ridiculously high performance vehicle. As lovers of fast and beautiful cars, I thought everyone here would appreciate what Porsche is doing. Don't hate on Read more

I think someone ought to take up a collection to buy these (and the E-types from yesterday) to donate to Jalops. Our own Personal Car Hell, if you would, which would hopefully be able to transform into Personal Car Heaven eventually. Read more

@skay¢og: Sorry, I've been trying to catch up on sleep (I've gotten 2.5 hours in the last 3 days), and I went to the emergency room with chest pains this afternoon. I promise I'll be around soon. Read more

My dad's 1973 911 Targa. I can still picture and smell the perforated black leather seats, and mentally see my dad adjusting the triangle windows. Read more

@Kuro: Upon careful rewatching, you are absolutely correct. I mean, the Miata still bonked straight into him, but I don't think that affected the outcome very much. Read more

@Drone637: If you're not planning on racing it in LeMons and don't HAVE to have a mid-engined car, my friend is selling his Se7en build for $4800. Read more

@Leeeeena the Jalopchick: Just to be clear, I did vote Porsche in the poll. I think the lineage is much clearer and the changes have been subtler. In fact, what passes for a new generation in 911 terms would only count as a mid-cycle refresh for anybody else. Read more

@Nitrous Oxide: I'll take an F50, thank you. I know everybody rants and raves about the F40 as the best Ferrari supercar, but it just doesn't grab me the same way, I think for aesthetic reasons. Read more

@korvetkeith king of teh horsepowers!: I do tend to push it on the way to/from school, but 21 is abnormally low, even by my standards. When I was commuting from farther away, I was getting anywhere from 28-32 mpg in warm weather and about 25 or 26 in winter. My mileage plummeted in November when my tire pressure Read more