@FrellMeDead: I'm not sure if you read the articles or not, but they aren't surveys. They were studies conducted by insurance companies and most were independent of police reports, to avoid the problems you just talked about. Read more
@FrellMeDead: I'm not sure if you read the articles or not, but they aren't surveys. They were studies conducted by insurance companies and most were independent of police reports, to avoid the problems you just talked about. Read more
@Andes Yeung: Are you suggesting that Jalopnik change a Facebook game? Read more
@Charlie.Speed: Uh, yeah, so does ours. And what's the point of a working one if it misses things? Read more
@Salman Anjum: We interns have other things to do, we didn't do this. And we covered a few things Car Magazine missed. Read more
@iamjames: Woah there, calm down. You do realize that there are hundreds of people who give suggestions and we have to narrow it down to 10? It's kind of hard and it's not foolproof. We're sorry you don't agree, but people suggested these, and you can't win everything right? And the list isn't only based on… Read more
@getreal2010: Islam isn't a race and no one said it was, but the man talks about white supremacy on his facebook and that's what his license plate is a reference to. Last time I checked, that's racism. Read more