
@my2doctors: You're very welcome... although I'm not sure how well it really worked. Read more

@pauljones: Thank you, that really means a lot. I spend my entire day reading and approving comments, as I have all summer. I love my job, and I usually love the comments, but today was pretty terrible- I've never been so disheartened as I was today. Read more

@pauljones: All my comments are in response to the fact that he replied "Same." Read more

@pj134: Sexism is something women have had to deal with longer than men and it's a touchy subject for most. An the fact that you're exploiting it for your own entertainment is what saddens me. Read more

@jodark: I'm glad this is turning into a somewhat logical discussion. I can get behind what you're saying when you act like this, but when you start calling the Jezebel women stupid and ignorant princesses is when I have a problem. It's the internet, but we have rules at Jalopnik, and I kept warning you about them. Read more

@pj134: And yet you expect them to just go with it? Those aren't harmless jokes- you're antagonizing people but then when they get angry you mock them for being upset and post about how stupid and idiotic females can be. Read more

@jodark: Maybe you missed Matt's warning on offtopic last night? The staff is well aware of what's going on. What I can't imagine is that after this you felt the need to keep going. Not only that, but when 'talking' with anyone from Jezebel, your language became increasingly worse. "I called them princesses at a Read more

@pj134: So you go in with no respect and a grudge? How do you expect people to have a rational conversation with you if you go in ready to kill? I know you feel that you're justified but I really wish you could just stop and think about the other side. This has gotten completely out of hand. And every person from Read more

@pj134: But then you think it's ok to go into offtopic and completely lambaste people that you pushed and prodded and antagonized and brag about what you said to mock them? Rape comment aside, I don't see how any of this is appropriate any more. With everything that you guys say in offtopic and elsewhere, it's no Read more

@pj134: Your idea of trying to introduce rationality is to make sexist comments and jokes about rape [] on an article supported by facts and research? Read more

@jodark: I realize that Jezebel was not entirely clear for one sentence of that post, but aside from the very first sentence, all the statistics are for car-car accidents. Although while it seems you are okay with bashing people for not doing their research, you didn't do all of yours. Read more

@FreeMizJenkins aka Valkyrie607: To be fair, there is no mention of male hitchhikers. Thus, you do not know if women are unlikely to pick up only female hitchhikers or if they are less likely to pick up any hitchhiker, regardless of sex. Read more

@Alfisted: Hehe, thanks for making me laugh on an otherwise very annoying day. :) Read more

@SteelCrazy: I don't want to get involved, but just so you know, when a starred commenter replies to one that is unstarred, it gets 'promoted'. Read more

@Sakiale: He could have banned you from Gizmodo or Lifehacker also, if you said something offensive. Read more

@impreza_punk: It says it in there. Believe me. I can see it right now and plenty of others have already sent us their applications. Read more