I know that being wrong and stupid on the internet is kinda your thing because your emotions don't let facts and reason in, but try to quell your emotional vapors enough to have a rational discussion based on established facts. Read more
Really? Was there a Stand Your Ground Hearing in that trial, as required if using the Stand Your Ground law in your legal defense? If so, when was it? Read more
My friends who have moved have mostly spoken about things like home values being quite a bit lower and being able to buy a lot more house for the money. Read more
I'm a Northerner who knows a lot of Yankee's who moved to the Confederacy, and the majority of their reports deem that the cost of living is lower in the South, with the exception of certain cities in Florida, and Atlanta, GA. Read more
That's because the Blue states are the ones manipulating the currency. The most profitable industry in this country is banking because they are free to print their own profits and extort those who live in Red states for land they already owned. Read more
I use aggregators like Drudge. Fox is bought by Neocons who are happy to debase American workers with "guest workers" who will work for way less than any non-Union employee will. Read more