
He busted the shit out of the Unions that were choking their economy. I wonder if those Unions have been rigging elections along the way too? Hmm, sounds completely implausible. Read more

I comment for the first time in a couple months, and this is what happens. Read more

Your Illuminati lovin', Chemtrail leaving, Lizard people friends know the gig is up soon. Read more

Do you mean to tell me that cost of living is cheaper in the South because people don't make as much, but that a person's dollar also goes further? Read more

I thought Unions weren't notorious for using violence and intimidation to coerce joining. Guess I was wrong. Read more

What if a religious organization says "In order to work here, you will not use Birth Control"? Read more

Why should they? It isn't the government's job to negotiate pay raises. Read more

Really? That's the best you can do? If you think the stock market which is basically run by the Fed and Goldman Sachs resembles anything like a Free Market, then you're part of the problem. Read more

Clearly, the Union didn't do enough to give you the incentive to join it. Read more

If an individual decides to accept the employer's terms as their own, what's the issue? Read more

And nearly all of Europe is on the verge of financial collapse and will as soon as Germany stops supporting them. How many countries have already gone bankrupt? Couldn't possibly be because of insanely Progressive monetary policies. Read more

Let's make it a "Right to Work" state, then if you like your Union, you can keep it. Read more

How about we split it down the middle and let Michigan pass "Right to Work" laws? Then if you like your Union, you can keep it. Read more

Or they can shut down companies and economic activity like they did all over Europe in the 1970's. Look up what Lech Walesa did in Poland and Thatcher did in England.
Or Reagan did to the Air Traffic Controllers. Read more

Is it not the right of the employer and employee to enter into a contract free of the involvement of fourth party (the 3rd being the Government)? Read more

OSHA is government and employee enforced. Read more

It means I have a right to work on my terms rather than being forced to join a Union. If the employer finds their employment of me no longer beneficial or necessary, they have a right to terminate said employment. Freedom of association, contracts and such. Read more

So he can be compelled to have his money distributed towards political candidates he may not endorse? That's sounds very freedom oriented. . Read more

So a company can force you to maintain an association that may not support your personal interests? Can they force you to join the Freemasons as well? Read more