Unions do not support a free market. Otherwise, they would the give the employee the option to not join and not pay dues. If the Union's benefits were so good, they wouldn't require themselves inserted into the Corporation/Employee relationship, but the Employee would choose it freely on their own. Read more
Raw materials=unfinished products. For McDonald's employees, the "raw materials" are frozen beef, buns and frozen french fries. Cook beef, apply to bun and fry the fries. Don't want to work at McDonald's because they don't pay very much? Find another job that requires more than the most basic of skills. Read more
In this case, the kids are the "raw materials" owned by the tax-payers that will to be turned into "finished products" by the teachers. The one who owns the raw materials en masse sets the terms since they are the one who need the service. At no point do the raw materials or finished products become fully-owned… Read more
Don't forget to properly recycle the horse when you are done!