Jonathan Harper

Well yeah. Or unpaved...but that's not hyperblaü Aaron, what gives? Read more

The one you’re currently in, looking down that empty, well paved back road. Read more

550 Spyder. So low, so small, people just don’t see it. And then there’s the fact that I’m taller than the windshield which wouldn’t protect me in a rollover anyway...

I’m just as excited as the next guy about the M2, but that lede image reminds me of something I built in Need For Speed Underground when I was 13, and I hate it. Read more

Seems less like donuts and more just like driving in circles. Read more

The reviewer is me. I’m 6”2’. Someone who has driven a Honda Accord once, along with many, many other cars. I am very familiar with cars that posses creative and unique personalities. Read more

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Still better than that time someone let me loose on track in an Atom: (insert typical excuses about cold tires, tire pressure, and traction control)