Jack Baruth

@Xargs: Your tale of Toyota truck ownership reminds me of my own tale of truck ownership: I had two LR Discoveries and a Freelander between 1997 and 2004, and my father had two Range Rovers during that time, and between those five trucks we never had a serious issue! Read more

Okay, I hate to be the guy to bust everybody's Honda-fellating bubble here, but here's a little bit of reality. Read more

Folks, the news that the Civic has overtaken the F-150 is NOT good news for this country. The Civic is a "so what" car; the F-150 is an object of desire for millions of Americans. Read more

Grow your hair out, you look like that effing wannabe racer Alex Roy. Like the Mustang! Read more

Does this mean that the "LOL WUT" plate on my Boxster is passe? Damn. I just renewed it until November! Read more

@Al Navarro: I think he'd want to be called "Brian Lopes of MTB fame" now, although I remember standing in Superclass staging at the '92 Grands while he whipped up on a 21-24 Cruiser class with a hardtail MTB. Read more

@Gerard Drewpardieu: Ah, I think you're overstating the case a bit. DPs are mid-engined cars made by a variety of manufacturers to a restrictive but not absolute set of rules; the CoT is a front-engined car made to a common template. Read more

Sorry about this, guys; it was payback from my showing up to ride at the X-Games halfpipe session with an International CXT. Read more

They should try building the G8 there; that way we don't all have to continue to swallow the General's doublethinking crap to obscure the fact that the "best American sedan in history" was actually styled, engineered, and built in Australia. Read more

@DavinSF: The 24h du lemon is very much like the NBA: in the same way that they don't start playing until the playoffs, we don't start racing until Sunday (or, for the Flat Rock event, 4am). Read more

@DavinSF: Believe it or not, we didn't have a single dent on the car until the third driver on Sunday. I scraped it during my stint when I avoided the gold Benz and accidentally put the ONSET Cavalier into the wall, but in all seriousness, on noon on Sunday the car looked brand-new. Read more

@turbodan: Hey Turbodan, I met one of your guys on the airport shuttle out of Lemons, not sure who he was: Asian-American, cheerful, wearing a stainless Rolex Daytona. Nice guy and I congratulate you on the sheer guts of your rather, er, festive choice. Read more

Do I have to do all of Jalop's research for you? There is a 1963 replica: Read more