Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, so sorry if it's already been said, but if you're going to buy any sort of toy/model aircraft, it would be a great idea to check out the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) and seriously consider joining. They provide lots of good information but, more importantly,… Read more
Ummm... That's the University of Virginia in Charlottesville in that video. Read more
Let me paraphrase this post...You'll shoot your eye out! Read more
Drones, not model aircrafts, should be banned. Sure, aerial views are cool, but you are assuming everyone on this earth is good-natured. Drones are already being used regularly that step over the gray area of invasion of privacy. What would stop TMZ from flying a drone into a celebrity's property and start snapping… Read more
Except that most of those Jets are built in North America, less production, possible layoffs. Also Jets wear out much sooner in the Middle East due to environmental conditions, so it is a high volume market. Read more
For no particular reason, here's a clip from Airplane.
I have to say that while there's no excuse for his actions, it's pretty damn impressive to see him genuinely owning up to what he did and not only admitting that it was his fault, but also delivering a sincere apology and committing to doing anything he can to fix his behavior, all the while not asking for sympathy or… Read more
There are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are not old, bold pilots... Read more
He does his own maintenance, doesn't he? Read more
The seat pitch for the 737 MAX-8 will stay at 30”. The additional 11 seats (189 is standard on the MAX-8 with the slimline seats) will be accomplished by removing the galleys and using smaller “modular” lavatories. Boeing has to add an extra door so you don’t get quite as much extra space as one would expect. Ryanair… Read more
There are a lot of flights in Europe that are shorter than typical routes in the US. I can handle being crammed in for a short flight and Ryanair is very inexpensive (unless you want to bring anything with you). Read more
Honestly, even at 6'1", if the flight time is less than 3 hours (so, <1500 miles), fuck it. I'll buy the cheapest ticket. I don't care if I'm crammed into a tiny seat, as long as I have my phone, tablet, and headphones. I've put up with a United Express ERJ-145 where my head is practically hitting the ceiling if I'm… Read more