Brian, The Life of

I mean, that is a great big chunk of low-background steel, right? Should bring a decent scrap price on that merit alone. Read more

Imma take this one from the historical perspective and the heart of a gearhead: The Ford flathead V8. This was the first motor to “democratize power” and provide us “common folk” with a machine that could do a mile a minute in stock form. Of course it then went on to serve as the choice of early hotrodders everywhere.

Neutral: There should be a scale for EV subsidies so that all forms of EV have one - car, microcitycarthings, and even bicycles. The whole point is to incent people to move to electric propulsion from fossil fuels ao you need a path for everyone. Maybe just limit it by the number of subsidies per driver? Read more

Yes, that’s what I meant by a “scale;” every type of electric vehicle could have its own subsidy rate.  Read more

EV subsidies should be for any EV, regardless of size or price point - but maybe there could be a scale to accommodate vehicles like this? If governments want to limit it, they should limit it based of number of cars per owner. Like maybe you get the subsidy on one but not a second? That way, if you live in a densely Read more

No they don’t. People who do terrible things nearly always find a way to externalize the reasons they did them. That doesn’t mean they wouldn’t have done them without this “influence.” They would’ve done it anyway and there’s just be another “devil made me do it” excuse. Read more

Well, that would assume these perpetrators would not have done these crimes by copying some other “muse.” Which is a giant stretch. Their “inspirations” did not create a mind capable of doing what they did, period. Read more