Brian, The Life of

Also, prior to the arraignment hearing, the initial charges are just those the arresting officer of record files. At that point the DA digs in and then charges are adjusted for the arraignment hearing itself. Even then, additional charges can be filed as the investigation continues. Read more

Strike the first sentence and I agree 100%. Movies are not to blame for behavior so much as a historical lack of having to pay for one’s own actions. Just like movies about serial killers don’t create more serial killers, F&F is just a movie franchise and should not be used to enable anyone to externalize anyone Read more

It’s always seemed weird to me that my ‘66 and the later “Bloatstang” are considered the same generation. Also this happens all. the. time.: Read more

The barely audible surprise he verbalizes when he notices the truck swimming is the cherry on top Read more

This is all a lot of “forget what I said; this is what I meant” to all this. Cuomo expects everyone to understand the intent of his actions (assuming they weren’t somehow shitty) without regard for how they would reasonably make the recipients feel about them. I’m sure he and every other narcissist would react the Read more

The mods suck but the price is pretty much where the market is for these ... things Read more

Yep, the seller might get that price if he got rid of those “period mods” Read more

I mean, this one with its “of the period” mods ain’t the one but, believe it or not, that is the price these things are selling for. Read more

LOL! His parents’ “massive net worth” probably means they own a house in a major metropolitan area of California or somesuch and are “illiquid.” Read more

The lesson was doubly stupid because the inference was automating the process of cleaning the cotton reduced the economic “justification” (ugh) for slavery when all it did was make it worse and increase the demand for more slaves. De-seeding the cotton was the most labor-intensive part of production. With that Read more