Andrew Fails
Fails is a freelance photographer who sometimes pretends to be literate. You can see his portfolio at He is talking in third person because it makes him feel mysterious.

I think the problem can be traced back the fact that while the car is pretty Meh, it has the most awesome f**king name ever bestowed on a sedan. It sounds like it would slice a bitch in half over a parking space. It sounds like it’s rarety stems from the fact that it silently murdered everyone once factory assembly Read more

I love Meh Car Mondays on Wednesdays, that most Meh of days. Read more

I think it’s angry because it was taken from sunny Florida and brought to the Midwest. All cars know that the Midwest is bad for them. lol Read more

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Man, talk about optical illusions. In the picture with the proper Petty stock car the hood stripe in the foreground car makes it look exactly like the driver has a cigarette in his hand - which would be so incredibly on brand for NASCAR. I mean, it’s not like any driver was ever caught on camera doing just that... oh,

Fuckin A, man! I LOVE cracking open fascists in suits! Read more

I’m a successful billionaire. Please donate to my cause today! Read more

Seems to me that one group voiced their free speech rights, and another smaller group voiced theirs and the former ran from the latter. Read more

That was them being nice, if they were mad it'd have been D-cells instead. Read more

We’ve all heard people on the extreme right wing refer to the “coastal elite” like everyone on the coasts are weaklings ready to be rolled over, but anyone who has spent time in those cities knows it takes a special kind of grit to make it in those towns.
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This is good Planeopnik. I had no idea that this was possible with anything bigger than a Cessna.  Read more

Manual crank windows. Cloth seats. 27 million miles. No lowballers. I know what I’ve got. Read more

We’ve all heard people on the extreme right wing refer to the “coastal elite” like everyone on the coasts are weaklings ready to be rolled over, but anyone who has spent time in those cities knows it takes a special kind of grit to make it in those towns. Read more

Maybe the pilot has just had a long fucking day and wants to have a cigarette in peace without a bunch of whiny bitch-ass passengers complaining about the smell and how smoking and flying is “dangerous” and you should have your hands at 10 and 2 or whatever on the yoke. I mean, fuck off.
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Yeah, but I still read the article with interest.
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This would have been a perfect opportunity for that one Gritty meme that reads:

If you keep clicking on links and replying to the posts, they will for sure change everything. Great plan. Read more

Seat-side is the only way to go. I don't want to have to contort my wrist backwards to mess with door-mounted seat controls Read more