
Dogleg is a part of the heritage at this point - just a dip in that rear window. They are dipping before the B billar so just move it back

Maybe it’s more fun to try dying in a helicopter crash than it is to safely drive a tractor around an orchard drying cherries?  Especially if helicopters are just falling out of the sky on top of you.
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Again, another proof of that driving is inherently more dangerous than flying, the guy just drives his tractor around, aaaand a helicopter falls on his head.... Read more

Well, that’s an unusual way to be saved by your ROPS.  Pour one out for a brave little Kubota. Read more

A woman I know said she felt that the rooftop tent kept her more safe from predators, of both the 4 legged and 2 legged kind. Read more

NP for days. You can make up the purchase price quickly by being a motivational speaker.

$200 gets you a pretty nice tent from Costco and $1,000 for everything else.  ND Read more


The unregistered utility trailer on which it sits is worth a couple hundred bucks. Decrepit slide-ins are basically worthless. Consider yourself lucky if you don’t have to pay someone to haul it away. This is for parts, and without the hob and sink, there aren’t any parts left worth reusing. Read more

The stories on this site are the real reason to read it.  What a great slide show. Read more

We recently helped out the 4th and 5th place vehicles. We replaced my wife’s ‘08 Slorolla with a 22 RAV4 Hybrid. It’s nicer than I thought it would be. She also drives like pure shit and still gets 40 MPG. I replaced my ‘21 C-HR, that we only bought because my wife wanted it, but ended up not wanting to drive it, with Read more

A person in the public spotlight, at the age of 21, in the year 2022, should really know not to say the n-word, of all things, in anger, even on a video game.  Read more

The point isn’t that he said something dumb while playing a video game… the point is everyone keeps excusing his behavior because “he’s just a kid”. That’s not a valid reason to excuse what he’s done. First of all he’s not “a kid” he’s legally an adult, secondly there are actual “kids” who know better, and thirdly one Read more

I believe most people have some level of ignorant racism and that when it comes to the surface, it needs to be met with a calm and non-aggressive explanation of why that’s incorrect and not-okay. Read more

In general, most people who use the term “wokeness” in an argument, are probably a bit racist to some degree. Read more

Also in a suburb of Houston. Inside Houston proper it's a little dicey to ride, but those suburbs  Read more