
A French film from the 90s called “City of Lost Children”. If you haven’t seen it you should. It’s really incredible and it was ahead of it’s time.  Read more

We’re talking about a man who thinks Pong is the name of the Chinese Premier. We can be a little more fast and loose with things.  Read more

It was the only way any of us survived! You damn kids and your accessible-from-menu cheat codes and difficulty levels wouldn’t understand!
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It’s not really strange at all. Sanders lost the primary, so they had no reason to torpedo him or do anything that would make Hillary look better by comparison. Also I guarantee you they have nothing of any real substance on Sanders, because unlike Clinton, he didn’t conspire with the DNC to rig the primary as much as Read more

Again, as I said a few times - I don’t think that Clinton would’ve lost the primary if the DNC, superdelegates, and the news networks that uncritically reported on those superdelegates had run a straight, democracy-focused primary. She has a ton of party cachet and name recognition and as you said - people played it Read more

Stanning for Klansman governors to own the libs Read more

Just a bad case of psoriasis, is all. Read more

The depths to which some asses are impacted with hurt is staggering, especially when staying asshurt prevents one from having to reflect on their own favored team’s fuckups. Read more

The length you’re willing to go to avoid admitting that they subverted the democratic integrity of the primary process is stunning. I don’t even think it changed the outcome, but the DNC holding a primary election in bad faith is extremely bad. Read more

Let’s be clear, he also did so WHILE contesting the idea that the administration treats PR differently.
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It’s all easy to understand, once you accept the fact that a lack of measurable intelligence is a prerequisite for nomination to any position of authority within the Trump administration. Read more

So your issue with the Sanders campaign is that they fired people for having access to data because of buggy software even though they actually didn’t do anything with that data? Well, good news! This time, those workers will be union and the campaign won’t be able to fire them for bullshit reasons like that. Read more

He must mean the Clinton/Podesta/DNC emails where they rigged the Democratic Primary against Sanders. Those are the real, documented shenanigans. Read more