No matter which way the wind blows in Chicago today, voters will make history by electing a black woman mayor.
No matter which way the wind blows in Chicago today, voters will make history by electing a black woman mayor.
TN here as well - only allow Nashville and Memphis to vote, the rest of the state is blood fucking red.... Once I can retire I’m getting the fuck out of the South, even though I live in a somewhat progressive city the rest of the state fucks it up - the same rubes that elected Blackburn elected our tea party ex-HVAC… Read more
The best way to get rid of a turd is to flush it. Read more
This woman is pure, curdled evil. Have her annihilated as soon as possible. Read more
I’m from TN and this person is an infuriating embarrassment. Its like she was made in a test tube to cater to the fox rubes. Love my state yet still cant stand it sometimes. Read more
Anytime I see Marsha Blackburn mentioned I am reminded of that loser Phil Bredesen the Democrats dug up to run against her. His endorsement of Kavanaugh has to be one of the dumbest most unforced errors in the history of politics. Centrists do shit like that and wonder why more and more left wing voters are so sick… Read more
Freshman GOP Sen. Marsha Blackburn hails from Tennessee, a state that at its closest is still nearly 900 miles away…
or twitch Read more
He wants his base energized and praising him. It’s been consistent for awhile now; he takes actions that please his base and risk wider support. He’s very rarely strayed from that path, despite the hand-wringing of the GOP intellectual class. His base is incredibly loyal and pretty much already at their floor of… Read more
He has incredibly good authoritarian instincts. I don’t assume he really grasps his actions, but he knows the result he gets and wants that result. Read more
Agreed: He can’t have a crisis unless people are crossing the border. So he’s generating his crisis. He’ll cut more funding, generating more crisis. He’ll start incarcerating even more people, generating more crisis, and creating big bucks for his for-profit prison friends. Then he’ll start saying things like “There’s… Read more
I’m sure “him” is being used figuratively, because creating a problem and then profiting from the solution is a core GOP value. Read more
He is as bright as a dog being trained. Anti-immigration actions = poll numbers rising - it’s Pavlovian. As for the enriching his buddies, he may not be crafty but this is easy money and he knows how to get money through clumsy and unethical means (and certainly how to listen to people telling him how to get them… Read more
According to Univision News, Trump wasn’t supposed to have revealed the information about stopping the payments until April 1, when the directive was supposed to officially begin Read more
HA! I just used this in a Kotaku post, but it seems better served when discussing the Dump administration’s daily stupidity.
He wants to increase migration. He wants to put these people and their children in cages because it makes his base happy and makes his friends rich. If the migrant crisis* became less of an issue, he’d be fucked in his next election because it’s basically the only thing he has very consistent and enthusiastic support… Read more
President Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant obsession has become so out of control that not only is he threatening to…