
Who was it — was it Ro Khanna, who referred to Trump’s financial shenanigans are “garden-variety bank fraud?” at the Cohen hearings? I loved that so much. Read more

he doesn’t care.  i’m sure he’s got plenty of money to see him through. Read more

I know, and I’m just a middle-aged white guy, sitting over here, wondering when the system will finally work for people like me. Read more

Listen. The only reasons TRE45ON is melting down over JS are

6 months.... The regional VW reps only keep these things for 6 months before they go on the CPO market. My local VW rep used to only get GTi Autobahns and CCs as his demos because they were unsell-able (seriously who wants a 36-37K golf or a 40 grand, cramped passat?).  Read more

Or a tuned Buick Vettemaster

Not one person said Volvo 240 with an LS/T56 swap.

Just rent a Home Depot truck when you actually need to haul stuff. Read more

That’s what’s covered under the O-beer-macare Silver plans. Read more

a good Belgian? It will be an American beer in a red, white and blue can (ironically owned by a Belgian company).
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A subset of that argument is “Why should I have to pay for your birth control?” Because, you know, it costs more money to prevent a pregnancy (you slut) than the medical bills incurred to raise a child to adulthood. Read more

Maybe he’s irresponsible about getting himself insurance, but maybe his new partner paid for it, or maybe his financial circumstances changed between open enrollment and when he needed testing. Read more

“(This is a party whose elected officials, after all, barely understand the concept of health insurance as it exists today.)“

This can’t be said enough, and it’s true of their dumbass supporters on the internet as well. Every single time you hear/see someone say “why should I have to pay for other people’s healthcare Read more

Yeah, the difference there is you have a zillion options for food, including some that you can get at the dollar store or just growing your own. You don’t have a zillion options for emergency rooms, and nobody wants dollar store quality healthcare. People will always be willing to bankrupt themselves to stay healthy, Read more

Health insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies are the enemy of health in the world. They do not exist to help people. They exist to extract wealth from the sick. It’s far past time to burn them to the ground and implement socialized medicine.
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