Damon Lavrinc

The man has a point. Ford is trying to draw a line between supercar structures and the concept. Fair enough... Read more

Same with my bike. And I'm due for a replacement. But the prices are generally 1.5-1.7x the price and there's some sketchy characters selling them... Read more

There should've been a mass email sent to every dealer. That wouldn't have been hard, and it's more proof that cranal rectitus is still rampant at GM. Read more

Here's some more trick stuff from the event.

That was the rumor I heard, although it hasn't been confirmed. Read more

Good question. Considering the additional weight, I'm sure Tesla had to rework the mounting mechanism. Read more

Safety and branding. Two things that automakers aren't willing to give up, so that's going to be a pipe dream for a while. Read more

I saw that. But it's so miniscule in the big scheme of things it wasn't worth mentioning. Read more

It's already been a year. And that's the crux of the problem: the automakers can't get this stuff to market quick enough. Read more

If it's better integrated than having to poke at a tiny screen, then I'm all for it. Read more

Yeah, Eddie Cue, who's in charge of software and integration. Read more