Ben Wojdyla

@cmdrfire: Much easier to read a headline and then post a comment than read the whole post. Who reads anymore anyway, that's pre-9/11 stuff. Read more

@buick61: You aren't the only one who surfs the internet. It's not like we don't find stories on our own. Read more

@Kuro: We at Jalopnik have absolutely no beef against electric cars. From a performance standpoint they can be really bitchin'. Unfortunately we live in a time when their range still sucks and their prices are uncompetitive. When those two elements are addressed, we'll be among the first to jump on the "woo-hoo!" Read more

@CopterBob: Li-Ion batteries generally run a fairly steady if slowly decreasing output until the very end, when discharge is rapid. The motor controller and battery don't operate at peak battery output so you're running pretty much at "full power" until your just plain run out of juice, much like a gasoline engine.

@Holy Carp: That's how crossposting works, throw a site tag in and it's automagically crossposted. Read more

Phantom Corsair. Game. Set. Match.

@mrook: The 3.8 track pack is around 30K, considering the pricing on the 2.0T R-Spec is the cheapest 4-banger, the 3.8 R-spec will probably be below $25K. Read more

@ManBehindTheDesk: I didn't claim you had either. I was just implying that on paper the car doesn't seem like much of an improvement but it is a world of difference. 0-60 is a terrible measure of a car's character. The GT500 handles, brakes, and does rolling pulls in ways that make the GT seem tame. Then there's the Read more

@tonyola: When an engine looks that good, foibles in mechanical design can be forgiven. Read more

@pres: This. Flathead L-head V12 with Siamesed exhaust ports fooling the uninformed into believing it's just another run-of-the-mill V8. Brilliant, beautiful engine. Read more

@Turkieshooter: That joke would have been much funnier if you ended in the Hudson River rather than the side of the road. Read more

@gtuned: So what you're saying is undo everything they did... I see what you did there. Read more