Ben Wojdyla

@68Chrysler: Neighbor you say? Do tell. And in that tell, please tell me your 68 Chrysler is an Imperial of some sort (though I have to confess an undying affection for the 1970 model). Read more

@acoom: Yeah, is more of a stream of consciousness kinda thing, almost a tumbleblog. A build journal really, I don't expect anyone but me to read it. The posts here will be much more thought out and comprehensive. Read more

@OA 5599: It does, but it isn't. As an engineer, the job is 9-5, as a Jalop staffer it isn't, not even close. Read more

@LTDScott: No Mrs, but definitely a significant other. She was instrumental in the original purchase of the car actually. Read more

@Alfisted: That would be brilliant, but the car's structure doesn't lend itself to wagonization. The fuel tank and some unibody structure sits right behind the back seats, making for a huge hump before dropping down into the six-body trunk. Read more

@Tactical: Because it's a $2000 car. The effort of installing a manual choke pull was $7 and an evening's worth of effort removing stuff I didn't want anyway. Read more

@pj134: Normally, I'd share your sentiment, but in my minds eye I see horrors like ironic plaid interiors and hybrid Toyota engines under the hood and the bodies ruined when they take a plasma cutter to the car as an "art project." Read more

I swear to God if these damn hipsters ruin a bunch of big body classic cars with their patchouli stink and their ironic bullshit I'm gonna go on a rampage. Read more

@bigox 25: It's a demonstrator vehicle for the MDI air engine. It's designed to operate on compressed air stored in tanks under the floor. Think of the above engine like an piston-style air compressor running in reverse. Read more

@OMGItsWeasel: Considering how terrified they are of the MPAA, it might've been because of the song playing on the radio. Read more

Wow Youtube, your lameness is sometimes breathtaking. Stay tuned, looking for a replacement example. Read more

I have always wanted one of the big body Nash cars. So much cooler than the Metro. Read more

@smalleyxb122: As defined by the Classic Car Club of America. Any car between 20 and 65 years old is considered classic. Read more