Ash78, voting early and often

I’m just upset because we (our family and our immediate community) worked our asses off to be safe, at the expense of our own sanity and well being, from mid-March through early July, at least. And now it appears to amount to nothing because it wasn’t a universal response — including teachers, who even took group Read more

Oh, I know...not this specifically, but the PPP and all the stimulus programs going on right now. I’m not against them at all, we’ll just have to face a reckoning at some point that it isn’t free, and the unlimited taxing powers of our Feds (and our population’s willingness and ability to pay) is the reason we can Read more

Yeah, but we could come pretty close with an i3 or something, right? Those things have gotten stupid cheap lately. Not many small RWD cars on this side of the pond to choose from. Read more

85% first-time VW buyers for the ID3? I’m still standing by the fact that once VW gets the whole ID lineup right, it’s off to the races. Read more

It’ll be a beautiful day when the MGBCGT community can finally show off their cars in public without being belittled for their obsession with horrifically unreliable cars. Read more

Not comical, just stream of consciousness. Every day I wake up to some new version of history that expects to apply current standards to something done decades in the past. Read more

I can’t divulge that until after the people of the Isle of Capri and I finish our class action lawsuit Os Gauchos and L’isola di Capri v Women’s Pants. Read more