Really? I thought Britain was one of the countries the Pinin model did well. Since we’re on the subject of unusual Pajeros, enjoy!
Really? I thought Britain was one of the countries the Pinin model did well. Since we’re on the subject of unusual Pajeros, enjoy!
Yup. As a kid i loved being in the back of the suburban on long trips with a blanket and a pair of binoculars. Just recently rediscovered this joy. Being the driver means you miss SO MUCH. Read more
Haha yeah, you don’t have to worry, I’m not the guy clogging the left lane. I watch my mirrors carefully and always move over as soon as reasonable for people to pass if they want to boogie. Especially on a good driving road. Read more
Drive slow and enjoy every minute while it lasts.
I use them as padded cases for my Fuji lenses. Read more
Right Next to the Torch, Prybar and 3LB Sledge
I used to keep my portable hard drive in one to protect it from bumps, etc. It fit perfectly. Read more
Australian Kerouac = Kangerouac Read more
The Civil Rights Act was passed 11 years before my birth. Dr. King was murdered 7 years before I was born. As a kid in the south I can still remember seeing segregated water fountains in certain places. The signs were long gone, but you could always tell because the “white” fountains were chilled and the “everyone… Read more
Thanks, Andrew.
Stage 8 was canceled on monday for bike and quad classes due to the death of Goncalves. I expect that skipping the stage means that they don’t get the ride time but were moved to the next bivouac and began from there.
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That was a weird way for them to write that, but what they meant was: Currie wasn’t too far behind the bike in the final stage. Read more