Andrew P. Collins
Jalopnik Staffer from 2013 to 2020, now Editor-In-Chief at Car Bibles

Awesome! When can we get a new Beverly Hills Cop? Read more

I didn’t start listening to Car Talk until I was in college and had a $500 car that I could barely afford to keep running, so I had to learn how to do it myself. Years later, I was a consultant and landed in Boston on the day that Tom passed. I remember listening to NPR and seeing the info boards over the Mass Pike Read more

I never really “got” Car Talk as a kid, much to the surprise of the adults in my life. I was a little car nut from Massachusetts, after all. And my dad loved it. But this story closes a lot of loops for me.
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If you look up video reviews of most of the major brands, and honestly, even some of the cheaper ones, you’ll see most modern A/T tires can survive pretty hardcore torture testing. Read more

Correct, when I appraise trades, cheap rubber means cheap assed servicing, if any. Read more

When looking for used cars, I look at the tires first. If someone has a mis-matched set of off brand tires, I'm not sure I can trust anything else they say.  Read more

I’ve had my stick wheel weights come off, I can’t decide whether I prefer the crimp on...which get damaged more easily on the trail, or the sitck ons, which can come off with a lot of water, dirt and vibration.
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well lookit the guy with the good taste in wheels

I’ve never used a mobile tire service... in fact, I didn’t even really know that it’s a thing, but I’m thinking that I just might use one next time I need tires. Read more

I used a service here on the Gulf Coast called 2U Tire. He beat everyone on price (including the online sellers) and scheduled an appointment to install within 2 days of getting the go ahead. The guy provided top notch service. Read more

Here in Kansas City we have Zohr, started by a pair of brothers. They were pretty good at marketing, working with the various FB car groups to get started. I’ve used them exclusively for the past four years, and never had an issue. It’s nice when they come to your house for new tires, or to your work to patch a flat. Read more

Cool, thanks for the reply. I hope your recovery continues without any problems! Hang in there...  Read more

The main advantage of this over a steering wheel is the fact that you can use it with non-driving games. But for me, it’s mainly about space... there’s not really a good spot in my living room to set up a wheel. Read more

Glad you’re recovering and still able to enjoy doing the things you love! I was actually shot and paralyzed from the chest down about 7 years ago (damn time flies) and my friends actually brought my Xbox into the rehabilitation facility I was at. My left side peripheral nerves were damaged—leaving my left hand nearly Read more

Shout-out to those totally awesome parrot socks.

Hopefully the next time you get to ride in a Pilatus PC-12 it’s with SurfAir. Or a charter.  Read more