Aaron Brown
Former Jalopnik social media editor.

Actually, we had a max of 10 points. The cornering I was fine with both times. Read more

I mean, if it does get that bad, there are other ways to get into Manhattan. The DOT and MTA are adding new bus routes and adding a few more trains to help people get in and out of the city. Uber/Lyft pooling is also an option. Read more

Yeah, I mean. If there was an electric motorcycle within my price range I would’ve considered it. I was basically looking at everything in the tri-state area for under $5k. Ideally I would’ve gotten a Ducati Scrambler or a Husqy 701, but $$$$ Read more

Like an e-bike? I enjoy using electric scooters and electric-assisted Citibikes, but I figured I’d use this as an opportunity/excuse to dive into head-first into motorcycles. Read more

Scooters are cool! Actually, I’ve been messing around with this new electric scooter-sharing thing in Brooklyn. This app called Revel allows you to rent electric scooters, that pretty much look like Vespas, for a reasonable rate. But you can only leave them in three neighborhoods in Brooklyn and are not allowed to Read more

it has an old SCCA club rally logbook. still legal! Read more