Aaron Foley
Used to do Jalopnik Detroit when that was a thing. Now just kinda here and there.

is that Will.I.Am hiding out back there? he better not be judging!

yes yes yes

Monopoly man, we told you to stay away from meth!

Insane Clown Posse?

Sir Patrick Stewart?

thats nothin, i know a guy who did donuts on the roof with a gtr

I'm not really into the vintage bike thing but that dirt bike likes really clean and awesome. Read more

But how does it end? Does he have a great escape?

I liked it. At least it wasn't a modern supercross bike flying thru the air to some dubstep. This was more like the strange opening scene to an obscure early '70s independent movie that has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the movie. Read more

I saw this a few weeks ago and thought it was pretty boring. Read more

well for one, it is much cheaper to make a dirtbike documentary at an abandoned plant than to go through the required structural repairs and asbestos abatement, amounting to many millions of dollars, to make these structures livable for homeless or anybody else. Read more

Although I totally love vintage bike ripping around, I'm sure the homeless who are forced to seek shelter in this building don't care much for this buck-fudder hauling-ass through their living room. Read more

You know what.. I rode the People Mover on Saturday afternoon after my Auto Show visit (Parked at Greektown Casino) and sat next to a older woman who just moved to downtown Detroit (had a walker type thing) and uses the People Mover everywhere she goes since she can't drive and absolutely LOVES downtown Detroit and Read more

This has to be some kind of metaphor, I just does. Maybe it's all the marques they've killed, rising from the grave to get their well deserved revenge. Read more