Aaron Foley
Used to do Jalopnik Detroit when that was a thing. Now just kinda here and there.

Actually I believe it was the other way around. The Ann Arbor BTB came first opened by U of M grad students. They later opened a couple more locations around Ann Arbor, and one in East Lansing. There are only two of the Ann Arbor restaurants left, but the guys who started it own a couple of bars in Ann Arbor too. Read more

Ah, yes. Story Oldsmobile/Nissan. I purchased a '93 Maxima there and drove that baby for ten years. It was an excellent car. I moved away from East Lansing in 2004, but I come back to visit family every year. I had noticed some old cars in the Story showroom the last few times I've been through town. Wonder what Read more

I live just down the street from this. They swap out what's in there a lot. There used to be some scooters in there too. Read more

I think there was a cease and desist letter sent to Gumby's by Hannah Barbara or whoever owns the rights to Gumby and Pokey.


I have a total soft fuzzy spot in my heart for Olds…first car, lost my virginity in that 71 Cutlass S…aaaaa the memories... Read more

I've driven by this several times before and always kind of wondered about it. I've been saying to my wife for the last couple months that I'd really like to get down to the R. E. Olds museum and see what they've got down there for a piece on my own blog. Thanks for posting! Read more

Gumby's/Goomba's is under new ownership, I know (current MSU student here). So I think that is part of the name change reasoning. It was a bit of a controversy around here for a bit. Food seems more or less the same though. Read more

Ah, Frandor. Wings Over, Kroeger, Video to Go, Jet's Pizza and so much more. Not too far from Odie's Big Ten, with the greatest beer selection in town.

Go Green!

I've always held out hope that the assembly plants along 496 in downtown would be put to good use, but Michigan is littered with places like that...all that Read more

Love the Vista, though its a 64-67 where I prefer the 68's

Or come see our State Tree in front of the capitol building. It looks like a fat guy in a sweater:

Everyone remembers Fargo but Paris, Texas also had a pretty prominent Oldmobile

I drive by it all the time and just figured somebody forgot they left some cars in there. Read more

That car is a Vista Cruiser! You could literally cruise the vistas!

Heading to Kalamazoo tomorrow, my have to wander over to Lansing and check that out. Although I think I'm heading on down to Shipshewana for the Hudson Museum, so time may not be on my side for a Lansing trip. Read more

i wouldnt qualify that as a museum......but i'd sure take them and give them good home! Read more

Oldsmobile sounds so boring, Ransommobile sounds so much better. Read more

Moral of the story....Bloomberg sux...got it. Read more