Aaron Foley
Used to do Jalopnik Detroit when that was a thing. Now just kinda here and there.

YOU GUYS! I leave Detroit for FIVE MINUTES and miss the chance to tell a bunch of coastal writers what they did wrong?! This is my punishment for fleeing the city. It's so clear right now. Read more

DETROIT DOESN'T OWN THE ART. At least most of it. They own a portion of it. Which is why all the estimates were so "low." Because people don't pay attention do the fine print. From the Washington Post: Read more

The Ja Rule thing wasn't an insult/snark by the way. I'm sure you got the reference (as did most people) but I saw a few of the tweets and thought someone who didn't get it may take it as snark. Read more

Forget the DIA for a second and imagine the post-bankrupt Detroit. Fundamentally, it won't be different. The city doesn't have a redesigned Chevy Malibu and a new Buick lineup to help it boost sales. Detroit will remain a city of 700,000 mostly working poor or impoverished residents. All the fancy new development is Read more

Like, I want to participate in this discussion, but I'm just too exhausted to. I feel like we've been over this ad nauseum. We get it: the "douchebag coasties" (was it Wattrick that coined that phrase? It's all a blur...) don't get Detroit, yet they smugly toss around advice as if they know better than us, because obvs Read more

Why didn't Hamilton Nolan and the gang invite Don Lemon to their think tank? Jesus, they cornered the market on basic ass ideas that will have a small impact on the overall shit storm. Read more


Felton is right. This is exactly what Judge Rhodes said during his ruling last week: Selling the paintings is a quick fix, not a long term solution. Read more

Alright. I suppose I am expected to say something real estatey. The original convo on Gawker was about how to get Detroit out of the shit can. Personally, I think the single most important thing is fixing property appraisals. I don't see how we can have a functioning real estate market if the people that want to buy Read more

I don't even know where to begin, but I think a great place to start would be the lede. No one is asking the DIA to sell any art, just to monetize it. For example, we could get the surrounding counties to give us a millage for the DIA that would pay 70% of the museum's operating costs so the other revenues would make Read more

The first thing the national media can do for Detroit is to actually read what is happening here before deciding how to fix Detroit. At present, non-profts are trying to "buy" the art for the DIA, so the city gets $500M for its debts and the DIA keeps its art. Read more

Look... me and the McBMW's people got this little misunderstanding. See, they got the Tri-Color M, mine is the Tri-Color N. They got the M3, I got the N3. We both got four all-season tires, special performance, steering wheel, but their buns have sesame seeds. My buns have no seeds. Read more

The wire is what's valuable, rather than the lights. LEDs still require wore to get the power. Read more

a. Those new street lights on 94 are already LEDs. Read more

First of all, the big criminals here are the companies that are buying obviously stolen materials in the first place. The crackdown needs to focus just as much on them (if not more) than the buggers that are stealing all of this stuff. Does anyone think that some tweaker actually owns a pile of manhole covers? Nope, Read more

I'm not an expert on transportation lighting, but are LEDs an option? Someone who knows more about this than I do should weigh in down below. Read more

I'm sure LEDs are available for this. But retrofitting the whole light assembly would probably be more expensive than the theft-deterrent, plus it wouldn't eliminate the need for copper wiring to get power to the LEDs. Read more