Aaron Foley
Used to do Jalopnik Detroit when that was a thing. Now just kinda here and there.

I'd trade 15 imported urban farmer-types for one guy who opens up a shop fabricating weldments and hires a few guys from the neighborhood. Read more

I think they will have to battle it out for turf with THIS guy upon arrival: Read more

As a former suburbanite-Detroiter, now living in PDX (as it's known here) since 1995, I agree, you do NOT want these tax loving liberals storming Detroit to save the place. First they'll put an Urban Growth Boundary around Wayne County, which will automatically drive the price of land and homes up beyond where common

what bothers me is this: "give back to the community (ourselves included). Gentrification not included." Read more

Having grown up mostly in Dearborn Heights (and West Dearborn) until I was 12, I grew sick and tired of my family always talking about the grand old days of Dearborn when Hubbard was Mayor (where the slogan mention in the article originated from) that I find it almost fitting that by fighting as hard as Dearborn did Read more

I love your Blog!! If you haven't read Fordlandia yet, you should check it out. More about Ford's attempts at social engineering. Read more

What a naive twat. He talks about the violence as if it's something exciting, mysterious, dangerous in a fun way. How incredibly insulting to the people whose lives are destroyed by this violence. How incredibly insulting to people who grew up in Detroit, attended the terrible public schools, struggled in poverty, Read more

"Most cynics are really crushed romantics: they've been hurt, they're sensitive, and their cynicism is a shell that's protecting this tiny, dear part in them that's still alive." Read more

Maybe this will finally come true!

As a native Detroiter who currently lives in Seattle, I say let them go to Detroit. It will be an eyeopening experience for them. They won't last long anyway.

I've been to Portland twice. Honestly, it has to be one of the most boring cities I've ever been to. So its no wonder some might consider a move to Detroit. Read more

I really hope they travel by wagon train, through the Rockies, in the dead of winter. Read more

There was a time when both Seattle and Portland were blue collar cities where people made money building airplanes, logging, or through shipping. I don't necessarily wish those days would come back, but I miss the lack of pretension. Read more

I have something for all of them.

Has to be fake. Has to be. Not even Portland is that ridiculous. Read more

Not to mention lack of public services after Detroit's bankruptcy.

Let's all chip in and help him buy it!